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Carnelian Sphere Geode is a powerful sacral chakra stone 4083

List Price: $600.00
Price: $500.00
Carnelian Sphere in ancient times to protect the dead in their journey to afterlife, Carnelian helps to calm the fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life. Carnelian is a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. It increases personal power and physical energy, gives courage, and boosts creativity and compassion. Wearing or carrying Carnelian can enhance vitality and will, providing higher energy needed when approaching new projects and dreams. Weighs: 6 lbs 5.6 oz(2883 grams) From Madagascar Diameter:5.5 inches Has 2 holes on each side.
Product ID 4083
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Carnelian Sphere in ancient times to protect the dead in their journey to afterlife, Carnelian helps to calm the fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life. Carnelian is a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. It increases personal power and physical energy, gives courage, and boosts creativity and compassion. Wearing or carrying Carnelian can enhance vitality and will, providing higher energy needed when approaching new projects and dreams. Weighs: 6 lbs 5.6 oz(2883 grams) From Madagascar Diameter:5.5 inches Has 2 holes on each side.
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Untitled Document Red Chalcedony Translucent. confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness, outgoingness. Precision, analysis, appetite, awareness of feelings. Orange and yellow Chakra. Warms and cleanses blood, kidneys, stimulates appetite, emotions, passion, sexuality, physical energy, celebration, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas. Historically also used to pull excess fever out through the feet. Comes in a variety of colors ranging from red to orange and, in some cases, even to dark brown. Helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings. Provides a connection to the past or to historical events. Strongly influences the reproductive organs. Purifies the blood and liver, and it is excellent for lower back trouble. Can improve motivation. Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters. Helps ground people who meditate.

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